
A powerful module which will keep your server protected from spams and more!

The variables such as <>, {} are supposed to be ignored while running a command. The variable <> means that the argument is required.

Quick Start

  1. Set up the Auto-mod by running v-automod enable with this you can enable the module all over the server.

  2. If you want to ignore some channels you can run v-ignoreautomod to ignore the module for the current channel or you can just run v-ignoreautomod <#Channel> if you want to ignore it for a separate channel.

  3. Now if you have a role named Muted then delete that role from your server and if someone tries to spam it will create a the MuteRole which will disable SEND_MESSAGES permission for all the channels. If the role is already created with the proper permissions then no worries.

Tip: You can use the v-muterole create command and the bot will do the rest!

Auto-Mod Commands

The commands below will be having different categories but it will only be working for the Auto-Mod module.

The variable || means "or".

Last updated